Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Last weekend we went up to the White Mountains with my family. We left Thursday night and stayed til Sunday. It was so relaxing and the weather was incredible. Josh's brothers went bull riding on Friday while we were on a hike. I knew Josh really wanted to go so I told him if we were back in time, he could. We weren't... and he was really disappointed. The next day was the 4th of July and we went to the parade in Eagar, which has been a family tradition forever. It's not the greatest but I like it. We got back to camp and had hamburgers and Josh got a call to go bull riding. They assured me that they were older bulls and not as bad. So we went and this is how it went...

Josh's brother Justin

Jaren's the one on the bull.... and Jeremy's the one under the bull.
You can hear his mom was scary.

This is Josh's first ride and he did pretty good.

Here's his second ride.


Julz said...

those videos were fun to watch, but I kinda hate bull riding now.It's scary.

Hina Schneider said...

Fun that you guys got to go to the white mountains i bet the weather was just awesome. OMG scary watching the bull rides

Tatum and Chase Rasmussen said...

Hey don't worry about it, we all blog stalk! haha I really like Kohler. Its an awesome school. Its expensive compaired to other schools, but its expensive for a reason. Its a good school. I like the products that we use. Everybody there for the most part is really cool. All the educators are real nice. I wanted to go somewhere for cosmo school that felt like a salon. Kohler does. The floor is awesome!! Its huge. The only thing is that its getting popular, so there are waiting lists to get in! Thats how good it is. Anyways, I love it. If you want a good school and a place to start a career, come to kohler.