Wednesday, December 11, 2013

We blessed Hiett this month and it was such a beautiful day! Hiett didn't cry at all during his blessing and we had so many family members and friends there. We had lunch at our house afterwards and it was so yummy! It was so nice to have people over to our house and to have such a special day for our little Hiett. Thanks to all those who came and helped with the lunch, everyone helped make it a great day!

So Josh had this lovely mustache through the month of November. The only good thing about it was that we got this picture. I think Josh is handsome but I'm not a fan of the stache.

Julianne took pictures of Hiett and she got some cute ones! Considering the fact that he did not cooperate, she did a good job. I think he is just a handsome little man!

Jack did not do well at all this year visiting Santa! He seemed so excited to see him, until he got up close. He cried and cried! At least Hiett was brave.

Jack and his fighting buddy, Britain.

Bass Pro Shop is the best! Jack had a ton of fun looking at everything... and going up and down the stairs.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hiett's Here!

Hiett Bryn Johnson was born September 24, 2013 at 6:39 PM. He weighed 7 lbs 11oz and was 20 inches long. It was an easy delivery compared to Jack and he is such a good baby for us. He is seriously the perfect second child. The first couple weeks he just wanted to sleep all the time. I had to wake him up to eat every time, and even then, he wouldn't wake up sometimes. I think he has learned to like eating, because he eats very regularly on his own now. He likes to be held when he's awake, but likes to be sitting up. I've seen him smile a lot and my mom said she heard him giggle.

I was a little sad when my mom brought Jack to the hospital because he wouldn't come near me. He may have been a little mad that I left him. But I was also freezing cold and had blankets all around me, so the only thing he could see was my head coming out of the blankets. I guess that could be weird. He did start to like me again and even helped the nurse push me to my room in the wheel chair. He such a good helper :)

It took Jack a little while to warm up to Hiett but he did. Now he wants to hold him all the time. There are times that he points to the swing or his bed cause he wants me to put the baby away. But he has been a good big brother. So far, I've been less tired than when Jack was a baby and I think I've cried less. I'm so blessed to have two great boys and Josh who has been so helpful, even though he is crazy busy in school. My whole family has been awesome and so helpful. It's crazy to think I have 2 kids now but I'm so glad they will have each other.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Picture Overload

 In April we got to go to Disneyland and I'm pretty sure I didn't post anything about it. It was an awesome trip and we loved it all. Jack could have enjoyed the rides a little bit more, but the waiting in lines made it hard. Who likes waiting anyway?
Jack loved to put Josh's socks and shoes on. This was at the hotel.
 We got to go to the beach too. It was a lot of fun but I thought it was so cold! It was pretty relaxing tho and so pretty.

 Here are the pictures from Disneyland.

Jack was so scared of Buzz. Now when he looks at the pictures, he thinks it's so cool. Maybe next time.

On the Ferris Wheel.

Jack wasn't scared at all! Everyone else was, we went on the moving one, not the stationary one.

Nap Time, for both boys

So this was just today, Jack wanted to show me his trick. He was so proud of himself. If you can't tell, he put his cup of water on top of the 5 gallon water bottle.

Sometimes, when me and Jack are bored, we go to Target and walk around.

He makes this really funny face and I tried to get it, but he kept putting his face down.

This is at the play place at the mall. He finally was able to climb all the way up.

I just think he is such a handsome boy!

Jack is really into Buzz and Woody now. He is saying "And Beyond!" 

Obviously my life is all about this kid! But I am so excited that Jack is going to have a little brother soon. He needs a little buddy. Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures of the new baby in a couple months!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's a BOY!

I haven't been as vocal (internet wise) about this pregnancy. Oh, by the way, we're having baby #2! Due October 2nd, meaning I'm halfway through, crazy! I kept thinking that this poor kid is going to be so neglected because I was already forgetting what week I was on. With Jack, I was checking everything about him every week. But we just went to the doctor this week for the most anticipated ultrasound and found out that the baby is a BOY!! I'm so thrilled. And as I looked at this ultrasound picture, I started getting teary eyed and I am so excited for this new addition to our family. I literally was wondering how I could love another kid as much as I love Jack, but I already love this new baby so much!

I'm nervous and scared to have 2 kids. I know many have done it, but this is a first for me :) And we're moving to Glendale, so my mom won't be 5 minutes away anymore. We signed the papers for our house yesterday; our first house! We've never had our own place, and you know, after 6 1/2 years,  maybe it's about time. I hear it's really good to be out on your own, with your own family. I'm gonna have a lot of learning to do. Like, making my own meals every night, being extremely frugal, finding new friends, being in a ward with no familiar faces, and I'm sure there's a million other things. But I'm so excited to have our own space! I'm so thankful to our families who have helped us along the way; we're so blessed.

The next few months will be crazy with painting and moving and getting our house all home-y and comfy. And then after all that, Josh will start dental school and be crazy busy. And then a month or so after that, I'll have a baby, and I'll be going crazy. I hope I can juggle it all and still find time to play with Jack. I sure love that little boy! He's so smart and sweet. He'll be a great brother...once he gets used to sharing the attention, haha.

Well... if I don't blog in the next who knows how long, this is all the reasons why :) I'll try to post pictures of the house tho!