Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A- Attached or single? Attached
B-Best friend? Josh
C-Cake or Pie? Cake I guess, but I'd rather have ice cream. So maybe an ice cream cake...
D-Day of choice? Sunday, it's more relaxing. And, whatever day Josh comes home!
E-Essential Item? A cold bottle of water and chap stick.
F- Favorite color? Sometimes green, sometimes red...idk
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? I like both
H- Hometown? Mesa.
I- Indulgence? Ice Cream, founder's favorite from cold stone...yum!
J- January or July? January, the weather is the best, and the Oranges are in season
K-Kids? Nope, not yet, but with all the babysitting it seems like I have kids
L-Life isn't complete without? Josh, so it's been kinda empty the last 8 months
M- Marriage Date? January 19, 2007
N-Number or brothers and sisters! 2brothers 1sister, and 10 brothers-in-law and 3 sisters-in-
O- Oranges or apples? Oranges of course
P- Phobias? I don't think I have one
Q- Quotes? Well, I don't know it by heart, but it's by President Hinckley. It says something about how we need to have much laughter and that life is supposed to be enjoyed, not just endured.
R- Reasons to smile? I have an amazing family and great friends! (Same as Cajsa)
S- Season? probably winter
T- Tag........ Heather......... Mandi........Hina
U- Unknown fact about me. I really liked watching the marathon during the Olympics
V-Vegetables? ya, I really like broccoli and green beans
W-Worst habit?- I crack my back at night when I'm going to sleep. It's probably not good for me.
X- X-Ray Or Ultrasound? I've had x-ray's at the dentist and that's it
Y- Your favorite food! Anything Mexican and cereal
Z- Zodiac sign? Aquarius, I didn't know so I had to look it up...sad

Monday, September 15, 2008

Grandpa Hiett

I know I've already posted this picture but I wanted to post it again. This is my great grandpa, Delbert Hiett. He died today, September 15, 2008. He was 91 years old and ready to go see my great grandma. Josh and I lived right next to him for a year, up until Josh was deployed. We really got to know him and love him so much more. He was one of the most generous people I know. He always wanted to help us out however he could. We loved listening to his stories and he would say funny things like "onced a day." Grandpa always took me for rides in his "doodlebug" (electric car) which was a little scary cause he would get right on the edge of the sidewalk. He was an amazing guy and a wonderful Grandpa. I know he's in a better place right now, but I'm really going to miss him.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blake is now Elder Smith...

Well, I'm probably the worst blogger but I thought this was worth posting. My brother Blake just left to the MTC on Wednesday morning. I've been waiting for this day my entire life and now that it's here, I'm kinda sad. I actually miss him, but I know he's going to be a fantastic missionary! He goes to Mendoza, Argentina I think in a couple months. I hope I'm better at writing him than updating my blog!