Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So, remember when I gave Josh the duty of updating the blog for me? Well, neither of us are very good at it. Josh is always doing homework or Marine stuff. I feel bad that he's so stressed out and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't understand anything he's learning in school. Hopefully this will end soon.

Other than that, I went to my grandma's cabin in Greer for Conference weekend and it was soo nice, other than missing Josh. I think that part was made worse cause I was thinking about how I'm going to miss him so much when he leaves for his deployment.

But conference was so nice. I loved all the talks and it was so uplifting! By the time conference comes around, I think it is so needed. With all the bad things going on in the world, I need to be reminded of all the good things too. I've always taken conference for granted and I regret not taking advantage of the messages from our church leaders in the past.

Anyway, while watching a session of conference, I was laying on the ground after putting a bunch of over sized Lego's together for my nephew Mac. I stopped paying attention to him and that must have made him very mad, cause all of a sudden my face started throbbing with pain and tears came uncontrollably out of my eyes.

He threw it at my face! I couldn't help the crying; I really tried to stop. My crying made Mac feel bad and so he started crying. During the pain, I tried to comfort Mac and make him feel a little better.

So now... for the first time in my life, I have a black eye. Given to me by a 22 month old. It's not that bad of one, but still it's a first for me.


Julz said...

What, no picture?!!

Cajsa said...

Yikes!!! Those things can hurt!I got my first black eye recently too! My Mak (ha ha) head butted me right into my nose! I am surprised my nose didnt break but i had a little black eye for a few days! Kids are ruthless!

Mandi Abaroa said...

Deployment? Are my eyes reading this correctly?

I'm sorry about your black eye, being hit in the face hurts. If it makes you feel any better I would've cried too!

Jen West said...

I agree with Julz. I was hoping for a picture :)