Ok, I've decided to get back to my blogging roots but since I can never, ever think of something to blog about I've decided to dedicate a few blogs to one of the um...shall we say, most interesting people I know. I'm of course talking about one of Josh's younger brothers. Although all of them say and do things that are blog-worthy, this particular brother seems to always give me something to laugh about every time I see him and since we don't have any kids to write about, Jaren will have to suffice.
For this first of what I'm sure will turn into many blogs I've decided to write just a little bit about Jaren's unique personality...and believe me, it is unique. Jaren has always been the one to want to do the things that everyone else would tell stories about. He doesn't usually take the time to think about what he's about to do...he just does it. Come to think of it, I don't think he's even capable of feeling even a shred of embarrassment about anything. For example, after one of his many visits to the hospital, Josh was teasing him about a female nurse having to clean Jaren's behind...to which he replied, "Heck! I don't care who wipes my butt just so long as somebody wipes it!" I'm still laughing about that pearl of wisdom.
Another thing about Jaren is his weird fashion sense. As much as his mom, sisters, and girlfriend may try to get him to wear more conventional clothes, Jaren is always going to put on (or take off) whatever he wants and if you don't like it, he couldn't care any less. So, as a result he's either dressed like a mountain man or not wearing much at all. If you're already getting bored with this blog I apologize but I promise, specifics will come in future blogs. So, without further ado, I present...
