Jack was blessed on November 6, 2011 and it was such a fun day! We had so many of our family and friends there. Jack's blessing was so nice and a lady in our ward wrote down notes so that we could remember what was said. It was so nice of her because now I will be able to remember all the nice things that were said. He was such a handsome boy and didn't cry or whine once through the whole blessing. Good boy!

My handsome boys!

We're still not the best picture takers but I have taken more pictures in the last 2 1/2 months than I have in my entire life! This kid is seriously the funnest person to hang out with and I get to all day every day.

My handsome boys!
We're still not the best picture takers but I have taken more pictures in the last 2 1/2 months than I have in my entire life! This kid is seriously the funnest person to hang out with and I get to all day every day.
We got a good shot of him and Dad before we went to our 6th Marine Ball. We were gone for 5 hours and I really missed my Jack.
So here's our update on Jack. He is now 10 1/2 weeks old. He can still wear newborn pants but fits into some 3-6 month outfits. He was 11 lb 9 oz at his 2 month check up (50th percentile), 22 1/4 in long (25th percentile), and his head was 14 3/4 in (8th percentile). So pretty much he's chubbier than he is long with a small head. He got 4 shots, two in each thigh and it might have been harder on me! It was so sad to see those needles go in and then see him cry. I felt so bad for my little guy but he took it like a champ! He cried for a little, and then slept all the way home. He was a little fussy but not too bad. He has started to talk soo much! It is the cutest thing ever! When I sing to him, he gets this huge smile and then, I'm pretty sure, he sings with me. He seems to like popcorn popping and the muffin man song. He has started to suck on his hand and sometimes he gets one finger in his mouth. He hates riding in the car, but it might be getting better. I don't think he likes to be alone and I think facing backwards in the car makes him feel that way. He has started to sleep up to 3 to 4 hours at a time at night and in his own bed, not the swing. I can tell that he is getting happier and smiles so much more than he used to. Oh, and he loves to be complimented. I don't know how he knows, but he gets a big smile when I call him "cute boy".